The Joy of a Barber Shop Shave

A Buzztown reader in Canada wrote to share his experiences of his first barber shop shave. Read his recommendation on how relaxing a barber shop shave really is.

Barber shop shaveLast Saturday I was shopping with my sister; I hadn't shaved for a couple of days and she told me I looked a little rough. On my way home, passing through Guelph, Ontario, I stopped off at a traditional barber shop and asked if they did shaves. I had never been shaved at a barbers before, but it was worth asking. The barber said they do shaves so I took a seat. He buzzed my hair a little and then it was time for a shave.

Wow! What an experience. He put the chair right back and the footrest turns over for your feet on the padded side. I was nervous at first, but once he put a hot, wet towel over my whole face, eyes and everything, I just closed my eyes and it got really relaxing. He lathered up my face and then put another hot towel over it. He took that off and lathered it again, really working the brush into my face. He shaved my face with a straight razor and then did the whole thing again: towel, lather, towel, lather, shave. Then he put on some stuff that smelled like roses and then some kind of after-shave. It stung like crazy, but my face was as soft and smooth as anything. It only cost me $21.00 all told for the shave and haircut.

I would definitely recommend that if anyone is feeling uptight, get a shave at a barber shop. I was so relaxed when he was done and it looked better too. The bonus is you don't have to shave for a couple of days either. What could be better?

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