"Something radically short, please"

Maybe that's not something that everyone would say to his barber. But trying something totally new can be fun. If you are considering a radically short cut, read the experience of a Buzztown reader called 'A-man'.

For the longest time now, at least the last six months, I have been wanting to try something radically short with my hair. I have always had short hair, but the kind of short hair that nobody notices. You know boring, ordinary short hair. I was always a bit curious as to what I would look like with almost no hair; with more and more buzz cuts walking down the street these days my curiosity became more of a desire, and then a matter of getting up the courage. I'm not a teen any more - actually I've been told I'm a professional - but one who still likes to experience life.

So I finally got in the chair and asked for something radically short. I don't have a particular barber; I go to one of the big discount hair chains - I have always found that they do a decent job. Not always the absolute greatest but always very acceptable. (Please remember people, especially guys - it's just hair - it grows back pretty much within a couple months.)

The stylist smiled quite a bit and asked what I had in mind. I was honest, told her that I didn't really know what I wanted - I thought that it was a buzz cut, but I was not really sure. We talked and finally agreed that what I wanted was something really short all the way around - a traditional buzz cut. She smiled again and said she would start out a bit long and work her way down. My hair was about 1/2" back and sides and maybe 1.5" top, admittedly receding in some spots.. She got out the buzzy things and started buzzing with what she said was a 1/4" clipper. When she was completely done going all over my head (by the by, it is kind of a strange feeling ) she gave it a dusting, held up the mirror and asked if I thought that was short enough. I asked to go shorter, she smiled and said good decision saying that once you start going buzz cut short you should really go all the way. She went around again with the next size down I mistakenly forgot to inquire as to the length she was cutting with, but when she was done - it looked to be a bit shorter then 1/4" maybe an 1/8" but I'm not sure. I loved it. We went down another level around the back and sides.

Realizing now that I wanted my hair seriously short she told me there was yet another attachment and asked me if I wanted to go shorter. Already unloading the current one and putting on this quite short looking attachment. I said yes probably, but not this time - I wanted to give this a test drive, she said fine, dusted me off and sent me on my way. I took a good long look and realized quite quickly that I loved the cut. I didn't look radically stupid; I looked like me with less hair. Perhaps a bit more open and with a little more attitude.

When I got home, expecting my wife to go ballistic half with anger and half laughing, (she is not quite used to some of the stupid things I do) I was quite surprised that she loved it, so much that their wasn't really even a shock factor. She said it seemed like the style I should have always had --- that it looked like me. I must admit that I don't really know what that meant, but anyway. I have only had this cut now for several days and have not been exposed to too many opinions but I myself am quite please with this cut.

I have decided already that I will keep this style up at least for the next several months. I think the next time I will avoid the extra time of going layer by layer and just go for the shortest cut possible. It seems almost silly, but the style is less warm, way easy to maintain, and makes a statement. It shows that I am willing to show a part of myself which many men are embarrassed to show, their head.

I don't think that I will go as far as shaving it for the winter. However, when the hot days of July come around you can bet, that now that I know I am still one hundred percent the same charming person - just a bit shorter in the hair department, I'll probably take up the razor and make my head smooth and shiny.

This page was a source of encouragement - thanks.


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