Letter from Japan

Here's some information from a member of the U.S. military who is stationed in Japan. Dave also sent in details of a barber shop in Utica, Michigan. Thanks Dave.

Dear Buzztown,

I accidentally got 'buzzed' ten years ago, and except for a short time one year have kept my hair short. I've tried all styles from skin bald to a long-on-top taper. About ten years ago, I was judged to be older than I was (great since I was just around 21).

Now I'm over 30, and people judge me younger than I am, usually by 10 years. They always say the same thing - "I thought you were older/younger than that because of your haircut." My advice is: cut it off, experiment, find a good barber and try a lot of styles. Hair grows back in a few weeks, so you can always try something different in a week or a couple of months.

For a flattop, my best advice is to use Luzon's Stick Fix. Not alot of barber shops carry it, but it's available from the manufacturer at (800)356-1586, or (515)795-3633. It can be applied thicker or thinner, and can be brushed out, or thinned with warm water.

(By the way, I've only been military a couple of years, and tend to wear my hair longer now! Go figure.)

Dave in Japan.

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