My First Good Flattop

This is the experience of a Buzztowner who just got his first good flattop.

Yesterday was a great day. I got my first good flattop. I was bored yesterday afternoon, and got to thinking about my hair. It was growing longer, into a curl, and I was beginning to hate it. So, spontaneously, I told my mom I was going to the local chain barbers. I waited out my turn, and when my time came, I jumped up, and walked to the barber chair, nervous. The lady, as she was putting on the cape, asked me what it would be today. Nervously, I replied, "Um, I want to go shorter, and different. I was thinking maybe a three on top, and a one on the sides, or maybe a buzz or a flattop. What do you think would look good?" She replied "I guess the three on top would." And with that, she mysteriously disappeared into the back. She came back.

Nervously I asked her if a short flattop would look good, and she held the flattop comb through my head, and she said "Yeah, I guess it would, and if it doesn't we can buzz it". I saw no need to disagree. She picked up the clippers, and put the two attachment on, and started buzzing up the sides. When done, she spritzed my hair with water and made it stand up. Cautiously clipping, she guided it with a flattop comb. She clipped, and clipped, shaping up the sides, and forming a pretty good flattop. She paused and stared, and looked satisfied. It was about an inch and a quarter, and it stood up nicely. I was happy. Never before had they done a good job. But pressing onward, I asked if she could take it down a little more. Pulling out the clippers, she buzzed the sides and back to a one, and attacked the top. She got it down to almost a half inch in front in no time at all, still keeping the superb form. I was content. But then I asked her if she could give me more of a landing strip. Surpised that a chain barber knew what one was, she buzzed the middle down shorter, and I was content.

I had never thought I had looked good in a flattop until I put on my glasses an stared at my reflection. In the mirror was an earnest young man with a short, crisp flattop. It felt good too, to feel the breeze of the ceiling fan on my tightly buzzed sides and landing strip. It felt good to feel the wind blowing through my crisp, evenly flat hair. I felt as though I had been transformed into a new man. It felt good, and I enjoyed the people's lingering looks at my new haircut. I don't regret it, and I'm looking forward to going in for a trim.

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