First Flattop

A Buzztowner sent in these details about his recent experience getting his first flattop.

Well, after being so inspired by your website, I finally got up enough nerve to go and get my first flattop. And I must say, I'm glad I did and have this website to thank!

My labrador retriever had her litter Wednesday morning so I called in to work and took the day off. After the puppies were all set and the mother seemed to be in control, I thought I'd celebrate with a visit to the barbershop. I've had short hair ever since Norwich (a military college in Vermont) and the three years I spent in the army in Germany, but I had never had a flattop although I always admired them when I would see other guys sporting a fresh one.

I had to wait at the shop for two retired guys to get their hair cut, and I hoped I wouldn't lose my guts. When my time came and I was in the chair, I told the barber that I would like to try a flattop if he thought it would work on my head. He said he would make it work with Krew Comb and so he turned the clippers on and started buzzing the sides and back with what I believe was probably a number one blade, then he wetted down the top with this Krew Comb gel and brushed it straight back repeatedly. Now it was time to begin the flattopping. As the clippers began shaving away and I watched my dark brown hair fall to the cape, I knew I would keep this haircut for a long time to come. I also had him take off my beard which was neatly groomed, but I thought would take away from the flattop. What emerged before me when he was through was an entirely different guy. I saw a very clean cut guy with my hair laquered straight up stiff and all that was on my face was the moustache that I had the barber leave.

I'm very happy with my new haircut and can't wait to go back and have him go even shorter on the top. Right now you can just make out a landing strip, but I would like it very noticeable with that distinctive horseshoe style flattop. Next week! I can hardly wait. Thanks Buzztown for this great website. If anyone else out there is trying to get the nerve to go get a crewcut or flattop, go for it; you'll be very happy you did.

One of the best things about running the Buzztown Barber Shop website is receiving messages like this from guys who have visited the site and then decided to try a style that they have wanted for a while.

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