Flattop Convert

Regular readers of the Hairnet Hotline may remember in February 1997, a guy named Bill, who was agonizing over getting a flattop. He was concerned about whether it was too radical for his job and what his friends and neighbors would say. He is still flattoped and he has written down his experiences.

As long as I can remember, I have always liked the flattop look . Although now 40, except for a couple of months in the Army wearing the boot camp buzz, I never had the courage to change my hair. I am an engineer in "sales" and was concerned if I got the courage to cut, it might not work well for business. My normal style was not exactly long with maybe an inch on the sides and 2 - 3 inches on top.

Normally, I do not use the "net," but about one month ago I was killing time and searching for motorcycle information and ended up on a site discussing hair (the hairnet). Well, after seeing all the postings about shorter styles, via the safety of the printed word, I posted a note saying that I would like to get a flattop, but had concerns. A lot of favorable response was generated and one post was a link to Flattops On The Web. Another post suggested Buzztown. I almost read every word and instantly became nervous even thinking about a change!

Two days later, I was working out of town and decided I would get a haircut. I knew it would not be a flattop, but I would considerably shorten the sides and back. On entering the barber shop, I could see all of the chairs were busy; I began to get cold feet. Then, a man came in with his small son; he had a decent looking "crisp" flattop. After a couple of minutes of consideration, I ask him which barber cut his hair. He had just cut his own longer hair "flat" that day and he pointed the guilty barber out. Well, the next available barber was the same.

I thought my knees were probably shaking, but when I was ask how I wanted it cut, I ask if he thought a flattop would work. "Sure," was the reply and his clippers began to roar - the cutting began. I admit to liking the feel of the clippers close against the sides of my head. Although I could not see the hair being cut, it certainly was falling rapidly apon my lap. Soon, he had put gel on the little remaining hair on top and began to blow dry it and brush if up for the final cut.

I was very apprehensive and trying not to quiver. The feel of the clippers going from side to side...it seemed as if I might not have any hair left. Then, a few "short" moments later, a new guy appeared in the mirror. He kind of resembled me, but the few flecks of grey on the sides was gone and only about 3/4 of an inch of straight-up hair remained in the front. Almost none at the top of the crown! Of course, I had to rub the stubble. Finally, flat! I liked it, it felt great, but now to face friends, neighbors, co-workers...

Well, it is now 5 weeks later. Still flat and even shorter. Thanks to Flattops On The Web and Buzztown, I can describe my new style as a blade length of 1.5 on the sides, tapered shorter around the edges and a landing strip at the top with a length of about 3/4" at the front. The corners are "rounded." I have enjoyed a total of 4 flattops since the first big cut and intend to keep cutting it every Friday. If I don't go that often, it loses that "crisp" look, and, I like to have it cut.

Although, at first I was very apprensive about my new look, I am feeling more comfortable every day. When my wife rubs the back of my head at certain times of the evening....... I think the flattop will stay and can't wait until next Friday! Many of those who responded to my posting on The Hairnet were right, I should have done it sooner!

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