Beyond a Buzz

Although the Buzztown Barber Shop is a site about men's short haircuts and doesn't really cover full head shaving (which are covered in more detail in other websites), there has been discussion on this topic on the Hairnet Hotline and some contributions have been sent to Buzztown. This page covers a summary of the topic that cover good and bad experiences with shaved heads.

Update: Since the this page was posted, someone commented that it portrayed shaved heads in an unnecessarily negative way. This was not the intention of the page; the intention was to give two sides to the story. However, I can see that the criticism may be valid, so I have added these few comments, which are based on messages posted on Hairnet Hotline:

I went bald today - the real story

(Posted on the Hairnet Hotline, by Brian on March 15, 1997)

Once or twice a year, I get a crewcut. Not a flattop nor a buzzcut just a basic vanilla crewcut. I like the feel and low mainteneace of the short cut but I don't really like how it looks on me. But every six months or so I think i convince myself that it looks okay. I live on the souwthwest coast of Florida and with the emrgence of the hot weather for the last few weeks I decided it was time for my semi annual crewcut experiment.

I went to my baber and said and told him "Okay let's try the crewcut thing again." A few minutes later and my traditional business man's haircut was clipped down to 1/2" on top with a tuff of bangs combed straight up and 1/4" or so on the sides. No erotic stories of watching the hair fall to the floor. No orgasmic feelings of the clippers being pressed against my head. It was just a haircut.

I walked around the strip mall for a while and then went out and played golf. I really like the feel of brushing my hands through the short stalks of hair. But I always wondered and even joked about shaving my typically middle aged thinning locks. I have a crewcut but one that is not as thick as a college kids.

I got home from golf and was cleaning up and started thinking to myself that if I ever was going to shave my head it would hae to be on a day like today. A day where I was still enthusiastic about my new lack of hair. So, I took my old beard trimmer and spent a good twenty minutes or so shearing down my crewcut to a very irregular stubble. Hope in the shower, cleaned up and then took some disposals razors and shaving cream and got rid of the stubble. It took probably twenty to thirty minutes.

I had to do it in very short staccato style strokes. So..., now I am totally bald and have to admit that I think the IDEA of shaving my head seems to be better than the REALITY of shaving my head. Maybe, I will change my mind but right now I wish I hadn't done it.

Another not so satisified bald guy

(Posted on the Hairnet Hotline on March 16, 1997 by Chris, in response to the item printed above.)

I felt like you right after I shaved my head. I couldn't believe I had actually done it. It sort of grew on me after a couple of days though, and it was nice not having to worry about my hair. I kept it shaved for about a month and have been letting it grow back since the begining of February. I just don't think I looked all that great with a shaved head. I'm not sorry I did it though. Give it a few weeks to see if you like it or not. If you don't, it will grow at about 1/2" per month or so, so you'll be back to crewcut length in no time.

Yul's experience

Yul of New Zealand contributed his experiences following a suggested posted by a read on the Hairnet Hotline.

It was spring in New Zealand and with it came the promise of a great summer. On Labour Day, from memory we had had our normal precipitation of water, prior to the sun coming out and announcing its arrival for the coming months.

For years, I had contemplated having my head shaved to look just like Yul Brynner. I had a full head of hair that reached down to just below collar length and was normally blow waved so it filled out my head very fully, with this I had a beard & moustache. Since early in my 20's I had started to sprout grey hair & before I had reached the age of 30 it was getting to the stage of being just like a very middle aged man. People would say that it complemented me & made me appear in some ways like a sage. It was not a look that I liked, in many ways I disliked the colour of my hair. Yes, I did realise that I could have dyed my hair, but this really wasn't my style.

Yul.In the December of 1979, I decided that it was time that I put my guts back were they belonged & borrowed from friends of mine a pair of Wahl Electric Hair Clippers. So it was that I decided to give myself the best Haircut of my Life as a Christmas present and on arrival back at my flat on 25 December 1979 in the evening, I closed the curtains, put Newspaper on the floor of the Bathroom, got the Clippers and my Shaver ready, stripped off and went into the Bathroom. I thought that the Clippers were at the lowest setting and started going from the front my head to the back to discover that there was roughly a quarter of inch of hair left following the clip. On re-examining the clippers I found that they could be adjusted closer, so promptly went down the same path and found that the hair length was something less than an eighth of inch. I very carefully shaved the rest of the top of my head, transferring to my beard and moustache, before going to the sides and back of my head. I then went back over whole of my head & face to ensure that I had removed as much hair as possible. I can remember that I had the most sensual experiences whilst I was doing this that I have ever experienced. I can remember then looking in the bathroom mirror & saying to myself, "Hey man, by the time I have finished this shave, I am going to be the most beautiful man that I know". I then moved into the lounge and whilst watching the TV changed from the Clipper to my 3 Head Philishave and started to work slowly over my face and head removing all traces of hair growth, until the whole area was nice and smooth. I then went back into the Bathroom and looked at my smooth shaven head and face and said, "Hey, welcome to the new you for the rest of your life." In 1975 I had an earing in left ear and I was so pleased at the way that shaved look set off the earing, that before the end of the year I had another two rings put into my left ear. Today I have reduced that to two rings in the left ear and one in the right ear. I really do find that the shaved head sets them off really well. Well I did manage to complete my ambition of becoming a second looking Yul Brynner, as I have continued to shave my head since that date (with only 2 breaks of 1 months each for something beyond my control, and I loathed having to grow my hair for those periods of time). The following are what I consider to be the 12 pluses for having a shaved head:

1. No longer suffer with Dandruff
2. Does not take too long to shave everyday
3. Clean & Smooth
4. No more drying Hair after being caught in the rain, for some a major exercise.
5. No more sitting in queues waiting your turn at the Hairdressers.
6. No more hassles of possibly dying one's grey hairs.
7. Men envy your choice of Haircut (don't have the guts to do it themselves)
8. Your Shaved Head will eventually match the colour of your Face.
9. With a Shaved Head you can feel the Sun, Air & Rain on your Head, which is a Magnificent feeling.
10. Some Women & Men consider Bald Men to be sexy.
11. To Shave one's Head, gives you a feeling of Sensuality & Sexuality.
12. One can truly say that Bald People are Real Hair Razors.

Finally if you wish to shave your Head, really do put your guts back were they belong and go and do the Deed. From what I have heard there are not many people who do Shave their Heads grow their Hair again, if they do it is mainly because of pressure from other people. I can assure friends of mine that as far as I am concerned Hair will not grow on my Head again, if I have anything to do with it. Since shaving my head I prefer to be known as 'Yul'.

(Contributed by "Yul Brynner-Hurst".)

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