Barber Shop Listing - Australasia

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New South Wales

Updated!Errol's Barber Shop
279 Ocean View Road, Ettalong, NSW, 2257, Australia
Phone: (043) 41-5743
Shop hours: Mon thru Fri 8-5, Sat., 8-Noon

Photo of Errol BakerErrol Baker's barber shop is located in a small beach resort town 100 km (60 miles) north of Sydney. As well as working from his barber shop, Errol (pictured right) will also make location calls. The prices at this barber shop are quite reasonable.

He is in the process of redecorating his shop in the style of "an olde worlde Austrlian sheep shearing shed". Errol has a young family and his children are often around his shop. The shop is also a showroom and salesroom for angling equipment. If you are into fishing tales at haircut time, Errol is your expert.

He is a "craftsman of clippers" and a "superman of scissors", skilled in all kinds of men's hairstyles. Errol is one of the few who still does a super smooth head shave; freshly whipped up shaving cream in an old fashioned shaving mug, natural soft bristle brush, straight 'cut-throat' razor; the lot. And then he finishes off with Ice Shampoo. Wow!

With the assistance of a producer, he is in the process of designing, photographing and compiling a "Cuts Catalogue, Styles Directory and Tonsurial Tutorial" video. Not only will this be a collection of specially prepared popular and classic haircuts, but it will include up-to-the-minute trends, and some on the wild side, mohawks, geometrics through to shaved; all cuttable on request.

This is the first barber shop in Australia to be listed on Buzztown (and in fact the first listing outside North America). Thanks to the reader who sent in detailed information about this interesting shop. In fact the review even included a photo of Errol and a temporary email address (not a direct address, but messages will be passed onto him).

Update (Feb  9, 1998): Click here to read a message to all Buzztowners and some photos from Errol.

Update (Dec 31, 1998): Click here for an image of a card for Errol's Barbershop.  The card is actually a remake from a graphic found in the book "The Vanishing American Barber Shop".

New Zealand

Garry's Barber Shop
Walters Road, Papakura, South Auckland, New Zealand
Tel: (09) 299-6223. E-mail: [email protected]

Garry's shop is located in what was once a large Army Base. For some years before its closure in 1991, Garry was its barber. The shop is now open to the public and Garry is known for his flattops, crewcuts, high and tights (with white walls) as well as face, head and neck shaves with lather and cut throat razor. Popular with guys in the 20 - 35 year age group. All haircuts are one price: $5.00; Face Shaves (incl. massage) $4.00.

During World War II a large number of American soldiers were based at Military Stations around the district where this shop is located. Garry can perhaps provide more information if anyone is interested.

Update: Here are some comments from one Buzztown reader who read about Garry's Barber Shop here and is now a regular customer.

The one and only Barber Shop listing for New Zealand is in one of the southern suburbs of Auckland. I live close to the city and after much deliberation I decided to email Garry the barber to ask if he did really short haircuts. He emailed me back and described what he could do. This included straight razor head shaves something that I have wanted for years.

Well last weekend I made an appointment and went to see him. He is fantastic, I had very short hair any way and am mostly bald on top. However he took his time over the whole thing and turned it into a wonderful experience. He also gives an excellent head and neck massage as well. I have had another head shave from him today one week later and I must admit it is becoming rather addictive. He also does excellent face shaves as well.

He is probably the only barber in Auckland that provides this service and hope others will avail themselves of his excellent talents. He does all sorts of haircuts not just buzz or head shaves.

He is so reasonably priced as well one can afford to avail oneself of his services on a regular basis. He charges $NZ5.00 (around $US3.00) for any sort of haircut and $NZ$4.00 for a face shave (around $US2.15). These prices are unheard of here. I have been charged up to $20.00 for a number one that with my lack of hair took all of five minutes. So you can see why I am raving about him. He is a little hard to find; his shop is actually on what was the Army base at Papakura. But if you really want to avail yourself of his services it is well worth the trip.

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