Horseshoe Flattops

The horseshoe flattop is a very distinctive and somewhat radical cut. You can easily see from the shape of the remaining hair why it is called a horseshoe flattop.

The three photos here, show three different variations of horseshoe flattop, on three guys with different shaped heads.

Thanks to the three Buzztown readers who anonymously contributed photos of their excellent haircuts. (N.B. The photo shown at the bottom of this page has been in the Buzztown Gallery for several months, but now has been moved to this page dedicated to the horseshoe flattop.)

Horseshoe flattop, photo 1
This is an excellent example of a horseshoe flattop.

This example has a wide landing strip that really does make it a distinctive cut - and of course, if you are wearing a horseshoe flattop, a distinctive cut is what you want.

Also, notice that the outline of the horseshoe is not as wide as in the following two photos; it really seems to work well here.

Horseshoe flattop with a smaller landing strip

This Buzztown reader has worn a flattop for six years, and the horseshoe is his favorite flattop style. Good choice.

In this example, the landing strip is smaller and further back on the head. Remember, your head shape will affect the size and position of the landing strip.

Horseshoe flattop with a long, thin landing strip

Here is a third excellent horseshoe flattop example.

Here we see a thin landing strip that comes to the front of the head. Also, we can see that unlike the previous two photos, the flattop doesn't go all the way back to the crown area of the head. Notice the difference in the shape of the head of this subject compared with the subjects in the previous photos.

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