Brush cut

These photos show the cutting of a brush cut - slightly long on top, with short back and sides. The pictures here are from Scerbo Video Production's Perfect Buzzcuts Vol. 2 instructional videotape.

This photo shows a youngster with a rather shaggy head of very fine light hair. This hair must be wet before it is cut.

Before the cut.

After the hair has been wet, th longer pieces can be cut off by using a layer cut technique. This is done with a scissors and comb method. The hair here is cut to about 1 1/2" long.

Cutting the top with scissors

With the hair still wet, the top is combed against the grain and cut using a clippers over comb method.

Cutting the top using clippers

This final cut shows the hair spiked up with either water, hairspay or gel. The spiked hair gives the appearance of an inverted hairbrush, hence, the name brush cut.

The final cut.

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