Newsletter to all Buzztown Barber Shop Visitors - May 1998

Buzztown Newsletter LogoThe Future of Buzztown

Many of you have written wondering why Buzztown hasn't been updated much lately. The simple answer is that I have been busy and haven't had the time to update the site regularly. Firstly I want to reassure all readers that the Buzztown will continue, and also I hope to be able to resume regular updates of the site.

Thank you to all those readers who have written asking when the site will be updated, and to those who have expressed concern about the future of the site. Special thanks to those readers who have offered their help with the site. The best help that you can provide Buzztown is to contribute information for the various pages of the site. Without your help in this area the site will not grow.

Apologies to those readers who have written to Buzztown, but have not received a reply. Your email messages are always appreciated, and although I try to reply to all messages, there have been times when I have been unable to reply to every message.

The Buzztown Survey

Another frequent question from readers is where are the results of the Buzztown survey? Collating the survey results is a much larger job than I anticipated. The survey results will be published, but I am not scheduling a date yet.

In the meantime, new Buzztown readers are continuing to fill out the survey form and as a result of this, the survey will be more meaningful because it will have had more responses.

The Buzz

The new format of the Buzz seems to be working well now. For a while response time on the board was very slow. The Buzz is moderated, which means that they are checked before they are posted. However, the board is usually updated daily, so check back regularly.

Buzztown - The Early Days

Recently, I found an backup of Buzztown after its first update (on January 4, 1997). It is interesting to see how the site looked back then, because there was very little information on the site back then. I thought that you might like to see what the site looked like back in its very early days. Long-term readers may be interested to see how much it has grown in the last 14 months, and newer readers may be interested to see what the site looked like when it first stated.

The thing that you will probably appreciate most from looking at this early edition of Buzztown is how much information has been sent in by you, the readers, and how important your contribitions are to the future growth of the site.

Buzztown - The Early Days

Visitor Counter

As you can see below, the number of visitors to the site has grown significantly since the site first started. I would like to thank all the long-term readers of Buzztown for their continued support, and I would also like to welcome new readers who have recently discovered Buzztown.

Josh Taylor, Buzztown.

The Visitor Counter Through the Months

Jan 1997

Feb 1997

Mar 1997

Apr 1997

May 1997

Jun 1997

Jul 1997

Aug 1997

Sep 1997

Oct 1997

Nov 1997

Dec 1997

Jan 1998

Feb 1998

Mar 1998

Apr 1998

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