The Purpose of the Buzztown Barber Shop website.

Purpose and Dedication

The purpose of the Buzztown Barber Shop is to provide general reference information about short hairstyles for men and boys and to provide a forum for sharing this information.

Buzztown is dedicated to:

  • the growth of the barber industry,
  • the preservation of the traditional barber shop in our society,
  • the barbers of the world, especially those who promote their industry and to their customers who know that a barber shop is the only place for a man to get his hair cut.


The Buzztown Barber Shop is not affiliated with any barber shop and is not run by barbers. The site is operated independently, and does not ask for or accept any financial contributions or sell advertising space.

Buzztown thanks those barbers who contribute information, ideas, and suggestions and who quality-check material posted on the site. Reader's contributions are welcome and are necessary for the growth of the site, but please observe that this web-site is aimed to a general audience and strict content guidelines are enforced.

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