Travel tips for flattops.

This tip for getting the best flattop cut when you're away from your home and away from expert flattop barbers was written by "Flatter" who is a regular on the Hairnet Hotline. Thanks Flatter for this advice.

I've found that if you're stuck in some part of the country where the flattops are mediocre, it's often because the barbers don't prepare the hair as well as the one in the "Flattops Done Right" video does. What I've had luck doing after a bad flattop:Wait two weeks or so to give the barber some hair to work with, then gel/blow dry your hair, brushing it straight up, just as the video seems to describe, and then go to the barbershop and ask for the haircut you want. Sometimes this works really well. It's more work, but very little looks worse than a BAD flattop.

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