The Future of the Barber Shop - The Atmosphere of a Barber Shop

Hi everyone. I thought I would submit a comment after reading the article concerning the atmosphere of a barber shop, as I recently opened my own shop. After 16 years of working in a shop (the last 10 spent as part-owner) in the local shopping mall, I decided it was time to move on. Four months ago, I opened a 2-chair shop on the front street of my town. I am furnishing and decorating it in the style of the traditional small town barbershop. The feedback I have received from our clients has been 100% positive! They appreciate the privacy and peaceful atmosphere as opposed to the crowd noise, etc. experienced in the mall setting. I am getting the definite message that many people are nostalgic for the "old days", and appreciate the chance to re-live the trips to the downtown barbershop which they remember from their childhoods. I will admit I was a bit apprehensive about relocating after so many years in the same established spot, but I now only wish I had done it sooner. Our regular clients have followed us happily, and we have had new clients coming in. To any other barbers considering a similar move, I would have to say "Go for it"!

What do you think? Any opinions from barbers? Email your comments to Buzztown today!

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