The Future of the Barber Shop - A Prosperous Future

Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Avelino. I am a barber. I saw your web page. I was impressed to say the very least.

I been working in this profession since early 1978. I currently work in two different barber shops here in Anchorage. I work under commission. I receive 75 percent. The future of the barber shop, I see it to be a prosperous. On a daily work day of ten hours, my average take home is anywhere from $150.00 to often $275.00.

I don't see the barber shop gong anywhere in the near future. It has been a part of most males' lifestyles as a cup of coffee with their morning newspaper.

Here in the city of Anchorage, an average cost for a clipper cut (regular haircut) is $13.00 to as much as $15.00 in some barber shops.

Maybe its just the barber shops here in Alaska, but sadly, I see the art of shaving (around the ears, back of the neck), gone. One of the barber shops that I work in still does shaves. A matter of fact, this shop does facial shaves. Another art that has faded out.

There is no experience in the world, when a young lad goes into an old fashion barber shop with his dad or grandfather. I recall as a boy only good times at the barber shop.

I've found that being a good barber can and does have many rewards. Too often you may talk to a barber who has 20 or even 40 years as a barber. This by all means, does not make a barber any good. Experience is just that. If a barber with 20 to 40 years can only cut one texture of hair, where is the good in that?

As long as there are bad barbers, the good well always have a list of customers.

I want to thank you for your time!


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