The Future of the Barber Shop - Back to the Future

Checked out your web site and wanted to get back with comments.

I am a 46 year-old male who grew up going to an old fashioned barber shop. They did have a reputation for scalping you which resulted in my going to a "stylist" or salon in my late teens and early twenties when hair styles were longer. As I approached 30, nostalgia took over and I returned to old fahioned barber shops, preferably with women barbers. The old male barbers were just getting too old! The barber shops I preferred were ones that had the older, big leather barber chairs that were very comfortable.

I think that a return to the past could be a strong marketing theme for barber shops in the future and I have seen evidence of this on the Net. Personally, I enjoy going to a barbershop and treating myself to a old fashioned shave. Unfortunately, many barbers do not offer this service any more but there seems to be a comeback from what I've seen on the Net. The Net also seems to have many sites dealing with buzz-cutting women etc.. Sorry, but not for me!

Living in the New England, I'm trying to find a shop where I can go for a shave and haircut from a woman barber.

What do you think? Any opinions from barbers? Email your comments to Buzztown today!

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