The Future of the Barber Shop - Many More Comments on Women's Barber Shops

The topic of barber shops for women has really sparked some discussion. Here is a collection of comments sent in by readers about this topic.

I always have my haircut by female stylists. Here in The Netherlands the old fashioned barbershop is history. I think it would be great if a couple of female barbers would open their own place in a classic barbershop setting, serving men and women for short crops only. Wanna look at female haircutters or stories .... Go to my site.

It's called: "My Beautiful Barberette" .... Well, what else did you expect.

Take care.


"Get the scissors Scully, I trust you."

Go for it girl!!!!! I also am a woman who is a barber and work in an old fashion barber shop in Texas. Many men at first thought we were beauticians, but I let them know real fast I am a barber and they are very happy with us. There are three women in our shop and we stay busy every day. The shop has been there since 1948 and most everything is origianl. It was run by men, and men only, for the last 39 years until we girls cam on and the business is better than it has ever been. So go for it and enjoy it. The guys do prefer woman than men to cut their hair, butthey also want it in the fashion of a barber instead of a beautician. This way they get the best of both worlds; gentle hands, but they speed of a barber - best barber in Texas.

I always felt the women in the barber shops weren't as good as the men cutting hair there. I have, however, only had my hair cut once by a woman of the grandmother type when I was about 7 or 8. I do, however, think that a womans' barber shop is a good ideed because it would stress a cut that would require little maintenance and chemicals but still look great. Isn't that the real reason why many men like to go to barber shops?


I think this sounds great. Anything like this going on in Toronto, Canada? I'd be a patron.

I have been a barber for over 35 years. I sold a barber shop to a woman barber in 1966. She in turn employeed two other women in the shop. All three were barbers, the first female barbers I knew, and the clientel was 100% male. I checked in with her over the years and as of last summer, she still owned that shop. The key is that the barber must be able to give a "barber" type haircut. It doesn't seem to matter if the barber or the customer or both are female or male. Over the years I have had periods of time where my clients were 90% male or 90% female or some equal mix.

For the last 20 years I have been in barber colleges. I have seen the ratio of barber students go from 100% male to about 60%/40% female. Some or good, some aren't. The good ones will make a living, the others will leave the profession. It has always been that way.

The Hair Professor

I have been in the barber business for over 20 years and took my schooling in Iowa. I have spent the last 10 years in Minnesota barbering in a shop in my home. This is what I call the ultimate opportunity and I am located one block from a community college hence " Campus Cuts" was born. I married one of my male customers and my tips have been very good.

No, I prefer a male barber, young and very capable with clippers!

Well, down here in sunny Australia, we've got 'em. In fact, when the two young ladies that so successfully ran my local freindly barber shop sold up and shipped out, I was left in the less than capable hands of a bloke who bought the wrong shop.Luckily I wriggled free of Mr.Teasy-Weasy, discovered a truly ruthless gal with a fine eye for a straight line was available but round the coner, and thus the day was shaved. Women in barber shops don't get a second glance round these parts, the ones I have encountered won't return to the salons of their sisters and alot of men say "Good".


I live in Indiana and I am a female barber in an almost exclusively male shop. I haven't found that many men who are afraid of a woman cutting their hair. As long as I cut it well they don't care.

I think the idea for the all chick barber shop would be great! I have really short hair and have the hardest time finding a beautician that can do a taper. So now I have trained the guy I work with to do it. He does a great job. But I think it would only work in the big city. Short haired girls are not that common out here in the boonies!

Hi. Yes I would have my hair cut by women. There should be women barber shops It seems like male barber shops are dirty and outdated. I'm curently looking for a female barber in the Cleveland Ohio area (west suburbs) Any suggestions?


Hey Buzztown,

Well I just happen to have a good old fashioned barber shop in Boyne City, MI. I do very well and I am a very busy barber, I have one chair and many many customers that return every time they need a trim, and I just so happen to be a woman. I had a few non-believers when I first started five years ago but they changed their views after I cut their hair and hope I do not ever leave! Just thought i would let you know that a woman can do very well in this business also, by the way, I have been in this shop only five years but I have been a barber for twelve years all togeather and have always worked in a good old barber shop with a good old male barber!

Bye for now!


I have my hair cut by a women barber,I think that they can do a better job because they can get a better feel for what the client wants.

I worked at a barber shop for four years, there were five women who worked there. I now have my own barber shop. I think most men would rather have a female barber. At least that is what my customers tell me.

Absolutly there should be barber shops for women and I'll be there when there are.

My wife has been a barber for 15 years and has owned her own five chair shop for the past twelve years. She does a terrific business, yes the tips are great :), and cuts male and female. I would encourage any woman to go into the business.

BTW, both of my daughters work with her.


I get my hair cut at the local barber shop; three chairs, all men etc. I would love to go to the barber shop and have a beautiful woman cut my hair. I also like girls that have short hair. I think that a unisex barber shop would be a great idea.

I like the idea of a barber shop for women. I have been getting my hair cut at a local barber shop since I was fifteen. When I am out of town on business, and in need of a cut, I have to look for a barber shop where I am and see if the cut women's hair. If, there are none, then I must decide whether to wait until I return home or go to a beauty salon.

It would be nice if the list of barber shops could include if they cut women's hair. It would a great help to me when I must go out of town on a business trip, which can be from a day to a month.

Phyllis S.

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