The Future of the Barber Shop - Family Tradition

This is a great letter from a barber in upstate New York. Maybe barbering isn't the highest paid job in the world, but it sure is a job which can provide high job satisfaction. Thanks Vic, for the letter.

Hi Buzztown,

I have been cutting hair since 1963. My dad started the shop in 1913 and I'll try to keep it going. My dad started cutting hair in 1908, and cut hair for 70 years. He died in 1990 at the age of 96. My dad still came down to the shop to shoot the bull with a few of the old timers that were left. I'd like to keep the shop going for a 100 years that means I'll cut hair for 50 years, GOD wish me luck. I do love my work I guess I'm one of the best in town at giving flat tops and high & tights, We have two colleges and a lot of the guys come to me. Hope some of the young kids take up the trade, well I guess not too many people like to stand on their feet for 8 to 10 hours a day.


Vic Chicorelli
Oneonta, N.Y.

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