The Future of the Barber Shop - Barber Shops for Women

I'm a 25 year old woman living in NYC and I've been investigating the feasibility of opening a barber shop expressly marketed toward chicks who like to keep their hair short. I've done the market research and the results are astounding - women want cheap, short cuts too and we're tired of going to Astor Place (or paying a million bucks at a fancy salon)! Of course, the shop will welcome everyone (especially young, hip urban guys) but the focus will be chicks. Chick owners, chick barbers, primarily chick patrons. The idea is to reinvent the barber shop - infuse the stereotype with new energy without losing the traditional flavor and, of course cheap price.

Any suggestions? Has this ever been done before?

What do you think? Any opinions from barbers? Email your comments to Buzztown today!

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