The Future of the Barber Shop - Barbering vs. Chain Store Cutting and Cosmetology

I presently work in a Barber Shop that is primarily run by women. I have to disagree with most of the comments that were made by the previous letter (the original Future of the Barber Shop article).

As for chain salons, I have done numerous fix it jobs on people who have gone to these "chain salons". I am finding that the chain salons do not pay their stylists adequately therefore the stylists do not give their best performances. I started off at one of these "chain salons" and I have to admit that after two weeks I was ready to cut the hair of corpses instead. People go to these "chain salons" because of convenience. Most chain salons are located in a mall, therefore making it more accessible and practical for the customers. The shop I am currently woking in was once in a mall, but after renovations we were kindly asked to move, for they only wanted chain stores inside the mall. Believe it or not since our move to a different location we are much busier.

I feel the reason why barbering is dying out is not because of the chain stores, but because you have to take the full cosmetology course; unlike the old days, all you had to do was learn to cut. Now you have to learn all aspects of the Beauty World, which I feel is deterring the male race away from barbering. I have spoke to numerous men who were interested in barbering, but when they found out they had to do manicures, perms, colors, etc. they said forget it. I feel they should change the laws back, so that you can just go for barbering. I will never work again in a full service salon, so all the education I had in manicures, perms, and colors will not be used. As for being able to afford a house on a barbers salary, I have one question "Have you ever seen a homeless barber?" I am very happy with my salary, especially since I work on a part time basis. It is the only job out there that offers flexible hours, good pay and enables me to be home with my preschooler most of the week. I have to admit that I have seen starving "chain barbers".

MindyLewi-New Jersey

Some more excellent comments about the barbering profession. I would like to point out that New Jersey is one of the states which makes no distinction between barbering and cosmetology. Most states do still make this distinction, although there may be some moves in some states to merge barbering into cosmetology. It is probably true that many men might be turned away from barbering if they have to study cosmetology.

What do you think? Any opinions from barbers? Email your comments to Buzztown today!

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