The Future of the Barber Shop - Accommodating the Needs of Clients

Thanks to Joe for his comments about "The Rebuttal" article.

It is hard to disagree with the information presented. Most shops turn people off. I also include the chains where you feel as though you are going to a "beauty parlor".

Most men want privacy and you rarely find this in a regular barbershop or a chain. I feel that those shops which specialize in quality, privacy and an atmosphere conducive to good tastes will be the whatever you want to call them of the future. Word of mouth will bring in the business and satisfaction will keep it coming. Also, accomodating to the needs of the clients will be very important such as convenient hours and professionals who are willing to suggest what is best for the client and not personal tastes or preferences.

What do you think? Any opinions from barbers? Email your comments to Buzztown today!

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