The Future of the Barber Shop - Point and Counter Point

Thanks to Rick for his comments about barber shops and the discount stores.

Been to both the super cuts and barber shops for over 40 years. Had all types of hair styles and I am happy to say I'm back to shorter hair. Looks and feels much better.

Super cuts. Never again. I walked in wearing a three piece suit with the music going full tilt, up sell hair care products being shoved up my nose before the hair cut as well as the worse cut I ever had. Looking for and asking for a light trim the mod gent in his upper 40's duded up to look like he was in his 20's. You ever see a person who either needs glasses or won't wear them for his far sighted problem - is a vanity issue? I was in and out of the shop in 10 minutes never again to return.

On the pro- A fellow I work with in his 30's balding, I really feel for the fellow, needed hair cut, way over due. Never to a barber always a hair factory and was fearful for the cut. The factory cut away without listening to the client and would cut way too close. In the clients opinion- which is the only one that matters, showing off more of the thinning spot than desired. I recommended a local barber citing better training with great results. The barber was caring and gave my associate a trim just as desired and gained a long term customer.

An addition con- Boyz, listen up. I have also visited a barber with 5 barbers all in competition with each other. The numbers game. No-no. I want a barber to take his/her time to make sure I do not walk out lop sided. 2nd gents, listen up! No reason for a barber shop to look a pig sty. How about wash the floor and clean the inch of dust once in a while. You shower every day and keep your tools clean, I hope. Not much different than a resturant.

Thanks for the ear,

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