Pushing Our Buttons?

Thanks to Buzztown regular Troy for his comments about the Another Opinion of the Future of the Barber Shop article. Troy raises some interesting points here, and also "pushes a few buttons."

I think the person who posted this was trying to push a few buttons and may have. In a way, I think the post is hilarious. I'm sure it would be news to "Astor Place" in New York that they couldn't be successful as a barber shop. So the premise that a barber shop cannot be successful for a predominantly Caucasian market in an urban setting is patently false. But the Atlanta market may be different. Atlanta may not be as advanced as New York. (I can push a few buttons of my own.) I suspect that there are successful barbers in metro Atlanta, however. Especially around Georgia Tech.

While on the subject of race, one of the things I find strange is that barber shops are predominantly segregated by race -- still. The only exception I've ever seen to this is around military bases.

It's interesting that this person necessarily thinks that noone in Atlanta is into hunting, fishing or sports and as a result, barber shops catering to those interested in these activities cannot be successful. Again, I doubt that is true. I thought everybody in Atlanta was into hunting and fishing -- or at least hunters and fishermen, like in Deliverance. (Another button pushed.)

And if you think younger guys are the ones with longer hair these days, then this again is patently false. But maybe this guy isn't as hip as he thinks he is.

So, if barber shops aren't appealing to you, then by all means go to Supercuts. It means I don't have to wait in line so long. (And this is a sign of a failing industry?)

What do you think? Any opinions from barbers? Email your comments to Buzztown today!

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