Malaysian flagMen's Hair in Malaysia

Many thanks to WG, a Buzztown reader from Malaysia, who has not only sent in photos for the Buzztown Gallery, but has also kindly provided some information to a few questions about men's haircuts in Malaysia.

Q: In America, short hair for men has become very popular over the last year. Is there a similar trend in Malaysia, or has short hair been popular there for some time?

A: Yes. Through my observation. It sure is. Is it a craze or what? The flattops are fast becoming a fad here. Some look good and at times they look terrible on a person (depending on the shape and size of the face and of course the type of flattop). There seems to be a change for men to have short hair nowadays in Malaysia. I'm talking of all races; the Chinese, the Malays and the Indians - the main three component races in this country.

Q: Do most men go to barbers in Malaysia?

A: Yes they do..but for the younger set (meaning those in the younger age group - the yuppies, the macho he-men) I dare say they find the lady barbers more exciting. Note.. I haven't been to one at all throughout my life :-) or :-( I really don't know.

Q: Approximately, how much does a haircut cost in a barber shop in Malaysia?

A: It all depends on the quality of the barber shop and also the area where the barber shop is located. It can range from a mere RM 5/= ( about US$2) in a small town to about RM 25/= ( about US$10) in the city. Also, some female barbers charge as much as RM 50/= for all the works ( massage, manicure...and probably an ear dig) Male barbers also do that - although only the older ones, especially the Chinese barbers.

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