What is it about a traditional barber shop?

Barbers or hair stylists? What is it about barber shops and sitting in a barber's chair that appeals to so many men (but scares others)? What is the difference and if you're going for a really short haircut why does it matter - why not just go to a discount chain haircuttery?

Barber or discount haircuttery? Well, let's get that question out of the way first. There is less margin for error with a short cut. If your hair is six inches long all over and you get half an inch taken off, no-one is going to notice.  But, if your hair is an inch or less all over, half an inch coming off is going to be significant. You want someone cutting your hair who is experienced (especially when clippers are used) and you probably want someone who will get to know your hair and what you want and someone who you can learn to trust. The discount chains aren't even always cheap and you're getting your hair cut in the barbering equivalent of a fast food chain instead of a nice restaurant. A haircut should be a good experience.

Barbers or hair stylists? This question is an easy one for many men. The argument for barbers is that they have more experience with very short cuts and with clipper techniques. In general this is a good argument. Ultimately the quality of the cut that you get will depend on the skill and experience of the person who makes the cut. Some stylists may be very experienced with short cuts and will do a great job and sadly, some barbers let down the team. Many people suggest that you ask someone with a good haircut where they had it cut. This is good advice and should be a compliment to the person you ask. But does a stylist give you the same experience as a traditional barber? That's up to you to decide.

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