The Make-Over of a Barber Shop - An Update

Although it is only being published now (May 1998), this is an update on Tommy's (formerly Emmanuelle's) Barber Shop, which Gunny wrote for Buzztown in early March.

Tommy has effectively evicted Manny. Tommy now occupies what used to be Manny's chair, by the door. He's master of the place. And, the second chair is now occupied by Chris -- no older than Tommy and probably younger. He's permanent and full time, so it is no longer a one man shop. No report on how Chris does with flattops, but he, too, is good at short hair. In fact, although Tommy told me he wished it was otherwise, the shop is quickly developing a reputation as specializing in the short styles. (Tommy would like to do more of the "glamour" cuts as well.) With the addition of Chris, no one walking in the door would hesitate to ask for a close buzz since Chris himself sports a regulation cut/military fade very much like the one posted by the military man in Japan on your Gallery, the only barber I've ever known to do that. I have to assume that Tommy cut it.

Since it is no longer a one man shop, there should be less concern about interminably long waits. It is definitely not a place where the barbers blink an eye when asked for clipper shaving, and a place where one of the most frequently asked first questions is the number of the blade. And, because of the age of the barbers and the predominate clientele, it has gone, in a few months, from an atmosphere of stodgy and old, to one that is decidedly avante garde.

One interesting physical change. Tommy found two large old mirrors, probably from some yard sale, and hung them up on the wall behind the two chairs -- high, but at an angle -- so that now, seated in the chair, you can have a full view not only from the front but from the rear. It's simple, but it works. Seems like one of those things more barbers would have thought of.

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