Between 1968 and 1972 eleven manned Apollo flights left the Earth to explore space.  On six of those missions twelve men successfully landed on the moon and returned safely along with their images and personal reflections of their time spent on Earth's natural satellite. 

Their accomplishments are well documented and history records their names for posterity, this website tells a few of the stories from that exciting period of manned spaceflight.   
Armstrong's missing picture
The best images of Neil Armstrong on the moon.
Apollo 1
The Crew
The Fire
The Last Man On The Moon
Eugene Cernan's journey to the moon.
Apollo 13
The third lunar landing mission.
The Silver Pin Astronauts
The men that never flew.
The Path To The Moon
The crew selections that led to the moon landings.
Apollo 18
The cancelled missions.
Gemini 5
Astronaut Vote
Web Site Links
The Apollo Image Library
The Apollo Lunar Surface Journal
Apollo 19
The reasons why there are no good photographs of Armstrong on the moon
If you would like to send me your comments or suggestions about this web site, you can contact me at,
[email protected]
Ed Hengeveld Gallery
The world-wide web's most extensive collection of hi-quality images.
Probably one of the best websites about the Apollo moon landings on the internet.
Ed's original artwork is available for viewing and for sale.
DVD sets of television and rare film documentation from America's space program.  Absolutely fantastic collections bringing history to life on your PC.
Spacecraft Films
It should be noted that the views on this website are my own personal opinions and may not reflect those of the author's of the link's shown here.
The Cause
Mercury-Atlas 10
The Lunar Hoax revealed
One mans journey around the dark side of the moon. A shocking expose of the Apollo moon landings.
Website Copyright
2000-2009 by Robert M. Southall
Cooper Versus Shepard
Two space explorers, one Apollo command.  The reasons behind NASA's choice
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