Courteney Cox Movie world 3.0-By Marius Ionica
Copyright ©2002 Marius Ionica
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Database logo Box-Office page logo
Search the database (over 1130 movies) for a title, a director, a studio, a country, a year or to find an actor's filmogrpahy.Multiple criteria allowed. The Box-Office Database contains all the facts about the movies released in US from 1991 to 2001. So if you want ot know how much a movie made at th Box-Office..
Quiz page logo Studios page logo
Find out your MOVIE I.Q. with this quiz. The 100 questions have different types of difficulty and 99 % of them  are about movies from 1990 to 2000.The quiz is JavaScript based. Major Hollywood Studios uncovered!!
      List of all the flops and the blockbusters of  the most important film distributors in the US, their logo and other stuff about film distribution and who owns a production company etc.
Awards page logo Rocinema logo
My personal Movie Awards for the Best and the worst  from 1993 to 1999, Oscars 1994-2001 and stinkers Awards 1994-2000. Titles of the movies that played in Romanian theaters since august 1995.
Top 50 Logo Quotes page logo
Top 50 of my all-time favorites movies.
Here you can submit your own top 50.
 Do you remember a line from a movie and you don't know from which movie it is?Here you can find some dialogue(movie quotes)  from major movies from the 90's.
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 Have you heard different terms about movie making and you don't know what they mean? 
   Here is your chance to find out.
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New additionsNew additions JANUARY,3rd 2002:

New Version of Movie World :3.0
Improved design for all sections
Interactivity: send me anything about movies
Search the Movie Database (1130 movies)
Search the Box-Office database ( charts for 1991-2001)
Visitors favorite movies submitted to my e-mail address
Find your movie I.Q. (made very easy with JavaScript)
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