By Khyron_Prime
Ver. 1.0
We, of the Robotech fandom, who choose to recognise the events of Robotech 3000, find ourselves at a crossroads, where each and every one of us must bond together in a struggle against the oppression that exists against our very existence and further, our development as a group which exists to give life to the series which so many have chosen to pass. With our eyes we see a bright future for the people of Robotech 3000; the characters, story, and universe which exists as a result is the people of our legend, one which will not be turned away, but embraced as true members of the Robotech legend.

Before us, we recognise Robotech 3000 as a part of the Robotech story. Like Macross, The Masters, and New Generation before it, Robotech 3000 continues the Robotech story in building new characters in a new generation of people, a new land of friends and enemies, where protoculture powers the light toward the future, whether for the righteous or selfish beings of the universe. Our series holds true to the legend, and in its birth, life, and death, does not break the chain of events, but rather, minds that it is a part of a greater whole, and adds to a list of legendary characters known in our hearts, and known as heroes.

We hold no malice toward those who choose to think contrary to our beliefs, but refuse to accept their words and adopt a free-thinking manner toward which we shall allow Robotech 3000 to grow. We recognise that all beings are free to form and express their opinions, but also that, in order to permit this to happen, that ideals must not be forced upon the members of the Robotech fandom. In part, we are formed as a direct reply to the high number of Robotech fans who choose not to accept our story, but in action we are not; the fans of Robotech 3000 allow fans of Robotech to choose their own path of fandom, and exist not to coerce but to inform and project the greatness that we know to be Robotech 3000's story, characters, and very existence.

With regard for the world of Robotech we march forward, leaping over any obstacles that should come in our path toward a universe that accepts the existence of our series. With dedication toward the potential that lies dormant, and the devoted belief that Robotech 3000 is indeed a series which deserves attention, we shall use whatever means necessary to find the path which constructs the world of Robotech 3000 in the greatest display that the world has seen. Through open eyes, our creativity builds this world; through able minds, our thought connects every event and character; and through our unity, all visions shall be presented, as brothers and sisters of a new birth of Robotech.
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