In the year 3000, high above the stations of the alliance, a phenomenal event occurred that forever made humanity consider the course of their history...


A Very Special Message From Me To You!

If you've never experienced Robotech before...
Welcome to the greatest story ever created.

Robotech is a story of love and war, exploration and discovery, amazing victories and sad desperation. Spanning the course of three generations of characters, the original Robotech series is one of the most beloved stories in American pop culture, with a dedicated fan base that has followed it for the length of its existence--and that's over twenty years!

Robotech begins when an alien spacecraft crashlands on the Earth. What the humans find inside the ship is a technology far beyond the reaches of their own, and through study and application, humanity applies this new technology to their own life under the name "Robotech."

However, trouble ensues when the alien race who lost the ship comes looking for it, and the humans must learn to use all of their new-and-confusing technologies to battle against different alien invaders over the course of three different generations of heroes.

In the course of war, relationships are formed; the characters learn to bond together in order to find a common good; and yet, there are some people that you just can't get along-with, alien race or not. The wonders of Robotech, in my view, lay in its mixture of three things: Men, Music, and Mecha--the three M's that are paramount to its existence, for you see, Robotech is not just a story about any one of those, it is a story that records the trials and tribulations of countless people, the power that music possesses to the human race (as well as others!), and the amazing technology known as Robotech.

Between the events chronicled in the original stories and those described on this webpage, there is a time-span of approximately 900 years.--Not a small amount by any account, however, the story itself requires an understanding of the inner-workings of the series--the little nuances that make the universe of Robotech what it is--and so, without spoiling the story, here is a listing that may help you understand exactly what all of the text on these webpages is all about!

And so...
Welcome to Robotech!

Alien Races:
Zentraedi are a race of people who knew only about war and nothing else until they met humanity; Robotech Masters (or Tirolians) are a race of genetic engineers bent on conquest; Invid are a slug-like race constantly searching for ways to evolve; Praxians are a war-like, all-female Amazonian race; Garudans are fox-like humanoids who breathe a special type of air, receiving heightened states of cosmic awareness; Kabarrans are bear-like humanoids with quick tempers but golden hearts; Perytonians are devilish mystics, characterised by black robes; Spherisians are humanoids made completely of crystal.

Earth has made contact with a system of planets known collectively as the Local Group. The system is comprised by the planetary bodies known as Fantoma, Tirol, Praxis, Garuda, Kabarra, Peryton, Spheris, and Haydon IV.

This is the fuel that powers Robotechnology. As humankind developed Robotechnology, they learned that simple gasoline, electric, or standard forms of fusion were not capable of powering this new technology, and as such, utilised the mysterious gellanous substance as energy for machines.

With these in your mind, you should be ready to get started on the road to Robotech fandom! And as always, if you have any questions or comments, feel free to e-mail me at
[email protected]
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