In the year 3000, high above the stations of the alliance, a phenomenal event occurred that forever made humanity consider the course of their history...


Commander Kiros Rush
Group Leader, IA Cybertron Tactical Infantry Forces

     I practically shit my pants as soon as I stepped into the city.
     All around me there were forty-foot robots--well, they are people, I suppose--and their eyes were locked on me. It was an easy decision, whether we were welcome or not, when I told my men to arm their P90s. A lot of the people in Cybertron must have been smiling at us--like little bunnies, cute little pollinators. I've never been described as such, but that's how I felt today. I needed hovertanks, not guns!
     I'll admit it, though, that these people really are more than meets the eye. Just when I was ready to turn-in my rifle for a mecha, I found that, apparently, the Transformers come in more than one size. So, while Captain Honda was making peace with their leader, I got to chat-it-up with an interesting fellow called Bumblebee. Apparently, he had begun talking to my men before I realised it, as I was beside the Captain, but when I went over to see all the hubbub, I was greeted with a handshake from a mecha not a metre taller than me. A very agreeable fellow. Turns into a car. Did I mention that he drives over 250 KPH?
     Then came the party. Yes. Grown men and women in riot gear dancing in the freakin' streets. My boys had a good time, and that's good for morale, especially at the start of a mission as extraordinary as this, but I had to maintain an aura of professionalism, so I laughed my butt off at the Mechanical Forces guys making their battloids pull moves from
Kabarran Wild Dance Party. Bumblebee showed up again and offered me a parade ride--might as well revell in my new position, right? Well, what happened was after I got in, he invited my boys to jump on top of his hood and top and parade as well. I'm glad I couldn't see what they looked like, because their wild cheers gave me vision enough of the rowdiness that we Tacs are known for.
     Bumblebee offered to introduce me to the leader of their police force tomorrow, and I agreed. Now, I'm not sure what a planet full of battloids would need police for, but heck, it sounds like they've got a decent way of doing things, and when the police chief is named
Prowl, well, I don't want to make him angry as soon as we've landed on his planet.
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