In the year 3000, high above the stations of the alliance, a phenomenal event occurred that forever made humanity consider the course of their history...



Commander Jack Svensson
Group Leader, IA Cybertron Mechanical Forces

     I don't know what to say. My men have been tired before--it comes with the stresses of human-robot interface on the mind and body--but it was from extended missions. Our first mission on this planet, apparently, was to display our adeptness at battloid control, because let me tell you, dancing in a forty-foot robot ain't easy. But hey, when in Tirolia, do as the Tirolians do.
     Captain Honda has already shown to me why she was chosen for this job. She knows her stuff, and her talk with Optimus Prime today was as cool as a Spherisian's behind--not that I've ever been near one, right? Hmm...yes. Optimus Prime, too, seems to be a leader, but I can tell that he's seen his share of battles, which is not something I know of our own Captain. I'll ask her later.
     These people are a joy to be with. Since I was a little boy, I loved playing with model fighters and ships, but to see a whole world that appears custom-made for my battloid corps to walk around is too much.
     My guys? Well, they certainly are good. We just need to forge ourselves as a real group, and leave behind this feeling of "specially selected for a special mission" behind us. Some of 'em, I can tell, come from my own heart. We'll go into Cybertron City later this week and see what these Transformers do for fun.
     Living battloids. That's what they are. Its kinda freaky, y'know. When you're used to having a soldier in each vehicle leading it, and then suddenly a police car races by with no one behind the wheel, as a soldier, it automatically makes you wanna think there's trouble. But no. Its a reflex that we've all developed in action that is totally worthless here on this planet of transforming people. But I suppose that there's no better place than Cybertron to re-learn
all the rules.
     The lights are beautiful outside my window. Unfortunately, sneaking out won't be an option for my boys beause it involves jumping into a Gamma Fighter. all the rules indeed. This could be really fun or really bad.
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