In the year 3000, high above the stations of the alliance, a phenomenal event occurred that forever made humanity consider the course of their history...


Captain Miyuki Honda
Commander-In-Chief, IA Cybertron Forces

     Only as we set the ship down on the planet did I finally realise what I was really  getting into. All of the mission briefings, scientific reports, satellite photos--nothing could have prepared me for this: The surface a slab of unpainted metal speckled with occasional dots of colour. It was only after the troops were suited in full riot gear that I would find these coulours to be the native peoples.
     They really are amazing, they are. Living, breathing, talking battloid people! Of course, when we made our entry march to the home of the Autobot leader, I had all of our Gamma Fighters march with us. Perhaps it was to defend us below, but we knew we had nothing to fear--well, at least the guys in the battloids. While my men marched with their P96 protoculture rifles, they shuddered at the thousands of eyes on them...from forty feet up.
     The Autobot leader, Optimus Prime, is actually a very charming uh, man. He made us feel   welcome--in fact, he had installed a special floor for us micronians to talk with him eye-to-eye.   Apparently, though, the Transformers are every bit as cultured as you or I, for my men in battloids were searched as they entered by Autobot security guards. They also have a sense of humour, and the yellow one, Hot Shot, cracked a joke to Lt. Scottsfeld that had him crying over his loudspeaker.
     But back to the event at hand: Optimus Prime welcomed us as friends, even going so far as to plan a parade for us, but mentioned that his people could pose a danger to us during a party (due to their size), and asked our permission to hold the event. I was more ready for a solidifying workstation, but as a representative, I could not deny the gracious offer of our host.
     It really was a wild event. I'm just afraid that my men may already be forgetting about their mission. I'll have to get some sleep, though I don't know if Prime's choice of music will be able to leave my head.
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