Team Deadly Embrace

Time for another update...

World Series XI (Saturday 28th June 2003)

I think that Ben and I learnt most from this day alone than we ever have done in Antweights. For one thing the results speak for themself...

2nd. Resurrector TEAM DEADLY EMBRACE
3rd. Psycho Ant Team DisturbeD

*FluorescAnt was tied in 5th place with several other robots*

My View

To be anything less than pleased would be very ungrateful. To enter 3 robots and come 1st, 2nd and joint 5th can't really be bettered by too far. During the day I found the fight setup very hard; every heat was a one on one battle, rather than a meelee of three or more. This gave all robots no chance to hang back and let others do all the work and get through almost on a by. One of the main reasons I won was because I beat Ben. I met him twice with Lower in the hole competition and won both. This was actually the FIRST time I had beaten Ben since April 2002, a space of 14 months. On the day luck was on my side, there were risky moments where I could have fallen off the edge and gone out. I must also mention a few robots which caught my eye:

Headache. I admire this robot because of its unique axe weapon. There is a lack of axes in Antweights and I hope that this was the turning point. The weapon is powered by bungee cords and is activated by a heavy duty servo on top. (see picture below)

Pixidust. This is the first full-bodied-walking-spinner. To be fair it had a bad draw against militant in the first round and went out. This was one of the few robotrs that I really didn't want to face in battle. See the build diary here:

Ben's View

World Series 11 was greatly organised by Tomo. Unfortunately both of my robots, War Ant and Terminator, went out to Lower (WS11 Champ.) Although I had beaten Lower previously it didn't go my way on the day. I learnt alot in the way that i need more speed...therefore War Ant is now fast and strong, whereas with terminator, I have gone for a fun weapon instead of a powerful and destructive one (small Anteater claws). Overall I liked the setup of the screen in the club and the robot data info at the beginning of every fight.





Our New and improved Football Arena, idea from "The Cage," Nike Scorpion Football, the football arena once again prooved very popular at the end of the competition.

FluorescAnt in battle against Psyco Ant, FluorescAnt lost this battle.

War Ant against Lower in the semis.

War Ant


Headache impressed me and I think it can go a long way.

Pixidust - it has a 360degree weapons span, when it is spinning the opposition has no choice but to be hit by the weapon or hide as such, whereas lower for example can only attack from one angle. It was unlucky not to go further.

Lower with the trophy, at last!!

PLease visit, the resource for all of the above photos. Thanks Oliver


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