Night heron in San Francisco Bay
(courtesy of Save the Bay)

Anti-WTO protest in Seattle (courtesy Independent Media Center).
Anti-WTO protest in Seattle
(courtesy Independent Media Center)
At Empower we're passionate about promoting human rights, peace and justice, reproductive choice and environmental protection. Empower's targeted phone campaigns consistently meet and exceed our clients' funding and membership goals. Discover what we've done for progressive non-profits nationwide.

What our clients say:

Mother and child in food line at Glide Memorial Church in San Francisco

Mother and child in food line at Glide Memorial Church in San Francisco
(courtesy Food First)

"This year Empower has conducted a series of very successful fundraising campaigns that have enabled us to attain and exceed our funding goals."
Carolyn Treiss, Executive Director, NARAL Pro-choice Connecticut

"Empower is central to our development efforts. They are dedicated to social justice causes and take special care to articulate our programs and vision."
Alicia Grogan-Brown, Development Director, Committee in Solidarity with the People of El Salvador (CISPES)

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