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Fun Stuff in Robotics

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Robotics Info!
The information on general robotics parts and tweaks, from circuits to mechanics to programs (well, maybe not so much programming). Here is a place to go if you're wanting to start building and need a little extra push or something puzzles you.

New Section: Cool Robots!
These are special robots, at least to me, different ideas that I find fascinating in one way or another. From an underwater explorer to a dancing doll, a brief intro is given here. Each represents a use for mobile robot technology that is in some way unique and perhaps outstanding on it's own. And when your friends ask what they do, simply tell them that they work! Check them out!

Where's this?
The links section has continued to expand, and shows no signs of slowing down. There's just too many people out there building and selling and designing too many cool things and then actually writing something about them!

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� Robodave, Inc 2000-2001

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