Childhood College Girlysound Exile In Guyville Whipsmart Time Away

Wcse Brad & Casey


June 2006 ---- Music Producer Brad Wood talks with me about his work with Liz on her first three albums.

April 2006- Casey Rice , one of the visionaries that brought us Guyville and Whipsmart, was nice enough to answer a few questions.

Check out the interview i did with Chris Brokaw of Girlysound fame. Check out Chris' website here


Many thanks to Ross Jeffcoat for allowing the use of the .wav clips mentioned above.

Ken Lee's Mesmerizing Website Article Archive. Terry Mac Manus for his interview with Liz.

If you would like to contact me you can do so at [email protected] . If you worked with Liz on any of her first three albums and feel you can add something to this bio feel free to get in contact with me.

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