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Know about AIDS

Ever since the first official full-blown case of Acquired Immune Deficiency Virus (AIDS) was detected in 1984, the little known virus the Human Immune Deficiency Virus (HIV) has emerged one of the greatest threats to humanity.

What is HIV/AIDS?

Our body is designed by nature to fight off most infections with a interplay of various cells that together from the immune system. HIV is deadly because its attacks our immune cells the very core of our defence. As the immune system weakens, the body becomes susceptible to all kinds of infections. This stage of HIV infection is called AIDS. As the weakness continues, minor diseases like common cold or flu can become potentially dangerous. Eventually the victim dies due to some such secondary infection, not directly due to HIV.

AIDS can take about 7-10 years to develop after infection with HIV. No one know for sure when a person with HIV will get AIDS. It varies person to person. Fortunately, HIV does not survive outside the body and easily destroy by heat. It is spread person to person through bodily fluids like semen and virginal fluids, infected blood and blood products, infected mother to her baby before birth, during birth or through breast milk. A person infected with virus is called an HIV positive person.

How HIV Spreads

Exposure to HIV is of two types, direct and indirect contact between an infected person and a non-infected person is known as direct exposure. A person indirectly exposed when his or her partner has sexual contact within HIV positive persons. The most common method of transmission of HIV is through sexual contact, when blood semen or vaginal secretions of the infected person is likely to come into contact with that of the healthy person. From out of the five cases in India are caused in this manner. The risk is greater during and intercourse, as the rectum tears more easily than the vagina.

A person suffering from sexually transmitted disease (STD) is also more likely to contact HIV through sexual intercourse. This is because they may have sores in their genitals through which the virus can enter the body.

Blood transfusion is also a major factor in the spread of HIV. It accounts for 3.8% of infections in India. Infected blood can cause HIV Infection through cut, shared needles or unsterilised syringes. Body piercing with infected instruments can also lead to HIV. HIV testing is now mandatory in India for blood donation and professional donors have been banned.

A baby born HIV positive is one of the greatest tragedies of this global epidemic. An infected woman can transmit the virus to her child during pregnancy, childbirth or lactation.


There are three major symptoms of low immunity induced by HIV infection:

1. Loss weight:- The patients lose more than 10 percent of his body weight.
2. Diarrhoea:- Persistent diarrhoea for more than a month.
3. Fever:- Fever, if it is low which lasts for more than 10 days.
Other symptoms include unexplained fatigue, swollen glands, excessive sweating and skin rashes


There is no cure of AIDS, but there are treatments than can improve the quality of life:

1. Antiviral therapy like AZB, suppresses the growth of the virus.
2. Haematopoietic factors are sometimes to trial anaemia and low while blood cell counts.
3. Preventive steps include use of condoms disposable needles and syringes, avoiding multiple sex partners, use of HIV free blood and proper treatment of STD.


HIV/AIDS presents a serious public health problem in the country. The first case of AIDS was detected in 1986 in Chennai. The end of 2000-estimated India has 3.86 million HIV infected people. The epidemic has reach-worrying proportions in Maharastra, Tamil Nadu and Manipur. A survey in Mumbai found that as many as 60 percent of the sex workers were HIV infected.

The major reason for such a dramatic spread of the disease is heterosexual transmission of the HIV virus. Migrating of labours, low literacy levels, gender disparities, reproductive tract infections are some of the factors attributes to the spread of HIV/AIDS. Increasingly, the disease is affecting women and youth. Almost fourth of new HIV cases are woman. This compounds the socio problems associate will HIV the women are frequently stigmatized by society. The risks of HIV positive babies are increasing.


India is one of the few countries where HIV preventive activities were initiated at an early stage of the epidemic. The government response to the problem was initiated in 1986 and National AIDS control Organisation (NACO) was established in 1992 at the aim was to " lead and catalyse an expanded response to the HIV/AIDS epidemic in order to contain the spread of infection, reduce people's vulnerability to HIV, promote community and family based care to people with HIV/AIDS within an enabling environment without any stigmatization or discrimination and alleviate AIDS, devastating social and enviroment impact".

Since 1999 the programme has been expanded and decentralized with the state Govts establishing state AIDS control societies for a more focused programme addressing the priorities at the regional and state level. As a result 35 autonomous societies has been established across the country with adequate financial and administrative powers to identify and response to local needs

To track the epidemic in India a sentinel surveillance system has adapted to best suit Indian conditions. Few selected sentinel site representing the various groups of population are screened for HIV prevalence and its trends are monitored over a period of time. There were 180 groups are chosen based on information of behavior risk group. NACO has under taken several campaigns ( For detail visit raging from awareness to prevention, to prevent AIDS from becoming India's greatest National tragedy. More detail go to AIDS/HIV lab

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