Ralph Robinson for President of the United States of America
Political Party: Independent Political Tendencies: Republican
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Comments can be posted here: comments
Gas Prices Blog: click here
  - Do NOT grant a Gas �tax holiday�
  - Do NOT tax the oil barons!
Universal Health Care Blog: click here
  - Universal Health Care is a BAD idea!
Here is a crash course on my stance regarding a few key issues:

1. I advocate the formation of an
exit stragety out of Iraq.  I do not support setting dates, but I desire a more aggressive plan regarding American troop pull-out. Cooperation with neighboring Arabic nations is an element necessary for stability in the region.  I am not a war-hawk and I prefer diplomacy over war - although I will not hesitate to use force of arms when it comes to the well-being and safety of American lives.

2. I advocate
small government.  I lean toward the conservative stance on the role of government in various social welfare programs. 

3. I am strongly
opposed to public health care.  Programs such as medicare and medicaid are acceptable, but publicizing health care is wrong for America.  I am NOT a supporter of socialist policies.  I am an American that advocates political and economic freedom.

4. I am
against minimum wage increases, but I am not opposed to tax reform that provides greater fiscal aid to low-income Americans..

5. I believe that much of the science behind
global warming is not nearly as accurate and reliable as is claimed.  I do however choose to side with caution.  Government needs to create incentives and programs to stimulate the free market system into incorporating cleaner alternative fuels and being more green.  This needs done with as little disruption of trade and business private rights as possible. 

6. I support federal involvement in education reform, but I disagree with many of the terms in
No Child Left Behind (NCLB).  Basically, I feel that NCLB needs major reform. 

7. I believe that the federal government has no place in the
gay marriage issue.  This is a state and local power in which communities may coose their own standards and practices. 
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