Fibonacci Numbers

A Fibonacci number is a number which is part of a sequence of number known as a Fibonacci sequence. You get the next number adding the two numbers before it. An example would be 1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34... If you take two initial numbers other than 0, you can create a Fibonacci sequence. Another strange property of Fibonacci numbers is, if you divide consecutive numbers in a sequence, you get an approximation of the Golden Ratio, which is approximately 1.618. The program below will calculate a list of Fibonacci numbers from two initial numbers.
1st Number:
2nd Number:

Unfortunately, an internet browser is limited in it's calculating power. If you create a program, however, in BASIC,C++,or Foxpro, you have less limitations. The following is a general source code for calculating Fibonacci numbers. It will calculate to 1,000 number for the initial values of A=1 and B=1. CLEAR A=1 B=1 FOR X=1 TO 1000 A=A+B B=B+A PRINT A PRINT B ENDFOR

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