Title>Geburah I.N.C

.The purpose of this work is to offer a more contemporary way of going about things. With the exception of the spells on the page on cursing and control, all of the workings in the Grimoire are all the product of my diseased mind. Recent aditions to the site are my formula for the running of a Satanic Coven (I refuse point blank to call them grotto`s), and a page on Flying Ointments. More will be added as and when inspiration strikes. The Grimoire provides a complete system for the performance of Satanic Ritual and Talismanic Magic. You will find everything you need to get you started down the Dark Path and form lasting relationships with the Inhabitants of the Abyss. I have included a link to the Prophecism site as it fits nicely with my view of the Dark Lords and Ladies. The Lords and Ladies are indeed beautiful to behold and bear no resemblance to the flabby monsters described in the old grimoires. For a complete understanding of the Sphere Gebura (Perdition on the tree of death) Please follow this link.It is portions from a chapter taken from the closest thing that I have to a bible, Namely The Mystical Qabalah by Dion Fortune.

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