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Hi, My name is Robin. I am 30 years old. I have been married to Brian for almost 13 yrs now (Aug. 04). We have two wonderful sons, Kristopher-10 yrs and Cody 4 yrs. Brian is in the US Army and we currently live in Schweinfurt (Bad Kissingen actually), Germany. We will soon be moving to Ft. Irwin, CA. We also have a Shih Tzu named Molly (4 months old). Brian recently returned home after a year in Iraq. I am so thankful to have him home, but there are so many soldiers still there. Please keep them in your thoughts and prayers, as well as their loved ones left behind.

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My Husband, my hero, Brian

My sons.

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I am originally from TX. I lived in several towns there, but mainly in Kemp and Mesquite. I was born in Kansas and also lived in Mesa Arizona. We moved to Germany in Jan 2002. We live in a beautiful small town. The town we live in is known for it's healing mineral waters and people come from all over Germany to the spas here. The town dates back 1200 years. There is some castle ruins up on the hill above our town. The town where my husband's Army base is located also has some interesting history. My favorite thing about that town is the old ammunitions building. It still has cannonballs lodged in it's walls. Several towns near here were 90% destroyed during the World War. You can still see some of the bunkers. My hubby's Army base used to be where Stuka or dive bomber pilots trained. We live near Wuerzburg and Bamberg. Both are beautiful towns with lots of history. King Otto of Greece spent his exhile years in Bamberg. I have toured the palace he lived in.

In April 2002 we went to Paris France. We took a train there and back. It was my first time on a train. Very interesting way to travel. The train we took back was part of the Orient Express. While in Paris we stayed 2 blocks from the Arc 'de Triomphe. We visited the Louve, Eifel Tower (went to the top at midnight), saw the outside of Moulin Rouge, and of course Euro Disneyland. I enjoyed my vacation, but was so glad to return home. I also went on a subway for the first time there.

We have also been to Buchenwald concentration camp, Rothenburg o.d.t,(twice), Coburg, and we did a cruise on the Rhein River. We have also did some smaller local trips on weekends, including Neuschwanstein and Nuernburg for the Christmas market.

This month (March) we traveled to Garmisch, Germany. There we stayed at the new AFRC resort Edelweiss. Edelweiss has an outdoor spa. It was nice sitting out in the spa while looking at the snow on the ground. We also took a train up part of the alps, and then a cable car to the Zugspitze, which is the tallest mountain peak in Germany. From there was could see the Alps in Bavaria and Austria. Someone also said you could see Italy and Switzeland. I enjoy being in Germany and am so thankful for the opportuinity, but I will be so glad to return to the states. There really is "no place like home".

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My Websites

My online photo album
Kris and Cody Oct. 2002
How to help our Soldiers
Care Package Ideas

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Links about Germany

Schweinfurt, Germany
Germany tourism website
A little History about Schweinfurt
Translated site for Bad Kissingen
Translated site for castle above BK
Just about everything about Germany

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Army Links

DOD News Releases
Faces of the Fallen
1st ID,
US Army, Europe

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Photo Hosting Sites I use

Picture Trail

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Helpful sites with HTML tips

The Wizard's
Indian MT's
HTML Factory
Sizzling HTML
Lissa Explains HTML - for Kids and Adults

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Other links

Homemaking Cottage (a friends site)
Text Changer

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our dog Molly

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Springtime in Germany

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