It is my prayer that you will be blessed while visiting my pages.
I would like to introduce myself.  My name is Robert L. Vance.
This is my testimony:
When I was a kid my dad would take my brother amd me to church.  I never really gave any thought to God or even if I needed to be saved.  During my teenage years I attended Vacation Bible School, but still never even knew that I needed to be saved.  I don't ever recall being asked if I wanted to be saved.

In 1974, when I was 34 years old I began to have a desire to go to church.  I had always been religious, but that doesn't save a person.  I started going to a Church of God church.  that was just before the Thanksgiving and Christmas Holidays.

I went for a while then one Sunday morning as the preacher was preaching about Jesus and how He died for our sins and that we all needed to be saved or we would die and go to Hell.  I was convicted of my sins and finally realized that Ineeded to get saved and that if I would believe in the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ and accept Him as my Savior, He would save me.
I went to the altar one morning and accepted Jesus as my Savior.

I didn't know anything about the Bible at first, but since then God the Holy Spirit has taught me allot about the Bible.  I took all kinds of Bible lessons through the mail and with Gods help and by the Grace of God I learned a lot of the Bible.

About 1978, I felt the Lord was calling me to sing.  I wasn't a good singer, and still not today, but He called me and I stepped out and started singing.  God provided me with all of the equipment I needed to travel from church to church and sing for the Glory of God.  God also allowed me to make some recordings of my songs that I have today.
I now live in Beckley, W. Va. and I am a memeber of the Beckley Regular Baptist Church.
The Lord called me to be an Usher in my church, also He gave me a Gospel Tract Ministry provided through the church.  I am also a member of the Prayer Team at the church.
I praise the Lord for all He has done in my life and thank God that He didn't call me out of this world before 1974; because if He had I would have been lost forever.I am now trying to get my music out on the Internet to all that I can and maybe someone somewhere will give their life to God.
I give God all the Glory, Praise and Honor for He is the only one who can make the increase.
In Christ Jesus
Robert L. Vance
Below you will find three more of my songs.  Just double click on the arrow to hear the songs. 
Hope that you enjoy them.
I have created a page that is linked to this page that has a couple more of my songs that you can hear and has a list of the songs that you can get from me through an email.
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