Integrated Soul Meditations
      ~~ Meditation Classes ~~
These meditations will benefit not only those in attendance but also emanate out into the wider community and our beloved Mother Earth. 

The benefits will include:
1 Increase Light and Love quotient
2 Re-balancing Chakras
3 Repairing damage to subtle bodies
4 Integration of soul & light bodies
5 Reclaiming fractured bodies and parts of soul
6 Clearing entities and negative influences
7 Alignment with higher self and Godhead
8 Anchoring blessings from Angels, Elohim and Masters with Mother Earth

So let it be written!
So let it be done!

All meditation classes will begin and end by establishing the following guidelines:
1 Unifying group energy
2 Establishing an Ascension Column and Pillar of Light from each individuals Monad/Oversoul
3 Requesting Michael�s Golden Dome of Protection
4 Clearing any negative energies by calling on Metatrons Platinum Net
5 Invoking the Planetary and Cosmic Hierarchy
6 Singing Songs, Mantras and Prayers
Enjoy personal experience of all this by connecting to the source of your own being!

    ~~ VENUE AND TIME ~~
Every Friday evening at 7.30pm sharp
Donations Gratefully Accepted

Please contact me if you have any questions - I would love to talk with you!
Robert Skappel
More information::
Holistic Integration Massage
Contact me:
Name: Robert 0411 053 324
Email: [email protected]
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