This site is about showing off the stupidity of herr Robert Schaeffer, a cultural director for the Effenaar in Eindhoven The Netherlands.
He's not only responsible for the big cultural downward spiral Eindhoven is in right now, he's also responsible for turning down creativity, friendship, trust and the everlasting love for a cultural spot, that used to be the Effenaar, amongst those who grew up with Eindhoven pop culture.
And for what? Let's just say that he's just busy trying to get his arm elbow deep in in some of the chief executives who run the joint financially. No sensible person could have found out over the years why herr Schaeffer managed to disappoint so many people, who entirely have worked voluntary on a good and decent cultural succes for the Effenaar and were able not just to think for themselves.
If the Effenaar, one of the oldest pop centres in the Netherlands, should be a huge financial succes, you could say that herr Schaeffer might be right in putting his arm up to anyone's arse. The sad part of this story is that this place runs dramatically. Only metal concerts have caused miracles once the Dynamo Youth Centre was shut down some years ago.

For those who have seen "24 Hour Party People", Robert Schaeffer is Tony Wilson, the Effenaar is like A Certain Ratio. And that's not a good thing.
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