Hi my name is Robert and this is my web page.  I am 3 yrs old.   I have been getting really big.  I have all my teeth    Some of my  fav foods are beef jerky, noodles, corn, goldfish,  fruit rolls ups, and I LOVE DR PEPPER.  I climb up on the table and still mommy's all the time; she doesn't like it very much. My favorite place to sleep is in my big boy  bed.  I have two big brothers Bradlee and Kyle (everyone says I look just like Kyle).  I love my big brothers and they love me.  My brothers and I drive mommy crazy with all the hot wheels we have all over the house(she loves it though).  I've learned to stick up for my self when my brothers try and pick on me.  I have even learned a few  new things from my brothers like screaming when I don't get my way.  I LOVE to throw big temper tantrums when people take things away from me.  It dosen't work though because mommy ignores them.  My favortie word is NO!  I say no to everything.  My favorite movies right now are Harry Potter, Scooby Doo, Dumbo and 102 Dalmations.  Anyway hope you like my page.
Mommy's page
Bradlee's WEB page
My Brothers page
Easter Page
Page started on September 9,2002
updated on 07/28/05
2nd b-day
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