I know that this, strictly speaking, isn't a battlereport. Rather, it's a look and Sega's upcoming title, Sonic Adventure 2. I think the game's bloody brilliant from what I've seen, and it's too good to gather dust in the corner. I've put a lot of detail into it and plenty of pretty pictures for you to gawp at (I admit it, ripped off websites- but give me a break! Regrettably the Dreamcast has an inherent lack of a 'print screen' function.) Enjoy!

The title screen doesn't look too shabby either. Buckle up...

If you're sensible enough to own a Dreamcast, and even more sensible enough to own a copy of Phantasy Star Online (Let me just say... NO LAG. None. Nada. Zip. Zilch. Naught. Nothing! Hehehehe... I love that game), you'll find that the game comes bundled with a demo disc of Sonic's next foray into the computer gaming world, Sonic Adventure 2!!! Containing the first level, I decided to give it a go to see how the Sonic Team's latest masterpiece was shaping out.

It's a beautiful day over the city. A brilliant disc of gold hangs in an aquamarine sky. The business of the orderly city below buzzes along lazily, basking in the warm, idolating rays descending from above. But the beautiful vista is marred by one feature- a harbringer of things to come?- a black speck, shooting across the sun. It's a jet black helicopter, featureless except for the solitary, sinister name GUN etched into its side. The pilot begins relaying information to ground control, and- crumbs!- we realise that our hero has been captured! But all is not lost- the pilot suddenly shouts in alarm... something's wrong! The pilot's door is blown open... and out pops our favourite blue hedgehog, Sonic, handcuffed but free!Sonic, passing up the irresistable urge to ride the bombs like a burning stallion into oblivion, opts instead to leap to safety With great dexterity he grabs onto the 'copter's wing, cracks a corny one-liner about "low-budget flights" and plunges into the street below, diving head first into his latest adventure!

There's not much time to rest, however, as you're dropped into the action straight away. Sonic hits the ground running, or rather sliding, bombing down the steep city streets using a wing plate ripped off the helicopter as an improvised board! This is a great show of what maybe to come- while SA1 was great,it relied very heavily on standard platorm play- SA2 seems to be promising a lot more variety in Sonic's new high-speed capers, which can only be a good thing.Sonic prepares to grab some phat air Sonic can even jump off ramps and do tricks in the air! This is also brilliant for showing off the graphics- they're truly amazing. Sharp, bright, and well-detailed, you can see miles into the distance. The metropolis Sonic is speeding through looks good enough to eat!

However, after a few frantic, adrenalin-fuelled minutes, Sonic ditches his board, landing in some parkland, and begins to set out a what he does best- running! Now it begins to become clear how much detail Sonic Team are putting in SA2. For instance, Sonic's route is lined with a variety of amusing flyposters- "Chao in Space- now on DVD!" and "Playing SA2 is habit forming" are among some of them.

There's also a variety of secrets- you now have to search for the little animals that Sonic can breed with the Nightopian-style Chao found in Chao gardens throughout the game. They're never too hard too find though, so you won't end up getting infuriated with the game- it's just a question of being a little observant, and it's pulled off to great effect.

Sonic has also gained new abilites,Be careful to keep your balance... making the game a lot more interesting, and also showing the variety I believe that the Sonic Team are planning. The demo level just shows three of them. Sonic can now somersault to break open crates and bash enemies, plus he can slide down bannisters and pole vault! I think this is a brilliant idea, it adds a lot more depth to the game- the fact that you don't have to learn a command for every single one is good as well- Sonic adapts himself to every situation.Up, up and away! Even the lens flare is impressive! Press 'B' next to a rubbish bin and he'll shake it, and press 'B' on a bannister and he'll shoot down. This simplicity makes the game much easier to play, and I wonder what other things Sonic will turn his hand to in the full version of the game...

Dance, slave, dance! Torture your Chao and make them compete in violent blood sports.

GUN however, are determined to incarcerate our spiny friend once more, and have sent a squadron of robots after Sonic as he races away from captivity. This is pretty much standard Sonic fare- bash the badniks to smithereens using his trademark spin attack- but Sonic Team continues to throw up surprises.Regrettably, you can't run up some stairs to escape from these Daleks... The explosions as metal carparaces are torn to shreds is impressive, and they let out something extra... in SA1, a bust badnik released a small animal that you could breed with your Chao. In SA2 they release a small fuel rod. I suspect that these can be used in conjunction with the animals to form all sorts of new and varied Chao! Hats off to Sega for putting more variety into their title. The learning curve for dealing with these badniks isn't too hard either- the first level lowers you in gently, but they still pose a threat if you're careless...

Sonic: 'Ahah, the robot fell for me playing dead! Now I can-' *SPLLUUUTTTCCHHH* Robot: 'Uurrrggghhh... what a huge blob of chewing gum!'

Hey, let's throw in a picture of Skies of Arcadia for absolutely no reason whatsoever!

To make a miniscule point, your progress is pretty linear with only a couple of minor diversions, but so are practically all platform games- I didn't find this detracting from the fun in any way at all.

Sonic then blasts out of the park, leaving trails of smoking wreckage in his wake. Now it's a clear road to the finish... or so you thought...
Suddenly a wall explodes into a cyclone of bricks and dust, and an enormous lorry comes charging through, ready to turn Sonic to roadkill! If GUN can't get him back, then they're going to make sure he doesn't give away any secrets! Cue a long rampage down the streets as the monster truck crushes ARRRRRRRRGGGGGHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!everything in its path to reach its target! Although completely mad, this section is prety easy to overcome, but I think that that's the idea- the whole purpose of these special events is to be exhilarating.

But sadly all good things must come to and end, and after this Sonic reaches his- the classic Goal Ring. Step into it, and the scores are totted up, and you're given a rank to the accompaniment of a rock version of the classic Sonic 'You win!' score. This throws up more challenges- can you recover all the rings, or discover all of the mysterious Chao boxes?- giving more replayability value.Who is this mysterious character? Only time will tell *spooky X-files jingle*... Speaking of rock accompaniments, they is one thing which greatly adds to SA2 the music. It's not as masterful as Mozart's, but the soft rock tunes actually fit in very well with the game's atmosphere and warble along pleasantly in the background.

Sonic Adventure 2 is shaping up to be a very polished package indeed if this demo is anything to go by. It has an incredible amount of variety in it and good replayability value. Coupled with good graphics and easy to use controls the package is complete. And this is only one level! I give it a stupendous
92% rating. I can't wait to get my hands on the full version! Long live Sega!

The party may be over, but the dream is far from gone. The battle isn't over Sony- it's only just begun!
-Written by Robert J. Frazer-

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