Welcome to my website. Here you can share with me my fascination in the

countless objects appearing in our night skies. Follow the links at the

bottom of each page to navigate to the rest of my website where

you will find some helpful information on the wonderful world of

Astronomy, as well as some links to a number of other helpful

Astronomy-related websites which will provide some aids to

assist you in enjoying this pastime.


As you get the opportunity to look through a telescope-

perhaps for the first time during this International Year

of Astronomy—remember that those very earliest

astronomers had access to only the most basic viewing

instrument of all—their eyes. Even Galileo, whose 400th

anniversary is celebrated this year, only had a relatively small and crude telescope when compared to today’s modern instruments—yet even it enabled him to see celestial wonders such as the lunar craters, Saturn’s rings (which he couldn’t even recognize) and mighty Jupiter with its four largest moons. Enjoy the experience and be realistic about what you expect to see through your instrument. The glossy colour photos are only accessible through highly modified photographs—the view through the eyepiece is in black and white because that’s all your eyes can resolve in the dark of the night.


Below is a link to the Deepsky Astronomy software Website, where you will be able to find all the details on what is a fully-featured program which can assist you in your ongoing search amongst the stars. I found it to be very impressive, especially for the price! Its more than just another computer Planetarium. What’s more, there is even a “Pocket Deepsky” version you can install on your Windows Pocket  PC.


I hope you will find my website informative, as well as enjoyable. Keep coming back because I will be regularly updating it to include new resources and material.


Clear and dark Skies to you all.

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