Amelia Nicole Knight
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Last updated: September 13th, 2005
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You can also see my cousin's web site by clicking here. 
Her name is
Abigail Grace Guedes
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What happened:
The 411 on the new baby:
Margot woke up Thursday morning, May 12th,  to some painful contractions.  We played out the day as normal, but by 5:00 PM we knew we should go to the hospital just to make sure.  We went in at 7:30 and was quickly admitted after finding out she was already 5 cm dialated!  Amelia was born early the next morning!!  So much for the due date of May 30th. 

Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers.
Mother: Margot Knight
Father: Robert Knight
Born on: May 13, 2005 at 1:50 AM
Born at: Valley Medical Center, Renton, Washington St.
Weight: 7.71 Pounds
Height: 18.5 Inches
Eye color: Blue
Hair color:
Dark Brown (And lots of it!!!)

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