Franklin High School
Franklin, Indiana
Class of 1961

John Goldsmith & Dick Wheeler

“Life and Times of John and Dick”
(Glued together by Ted, the Great)

Judy – Spotty communication between John Goldsmith and Dick Wheeler, using me (Ted) as an unofficial “Copy Boy” has resulted in bits and pieces of information on these two classmates. Unfortunately, due to poor computer skills and basic retardation, neither has proven capable of sending an understandable summary of just what in the world the two of them have been up to. Therefore, the Class Website Coordinator has attempted to decipher their gibberish and paste together a few facts about the two!

Dick wrote (emailed? phoned? only the Shadow knows!) to John earlier this summer, telling him that his son Mitch (33 years old) had a son born this past August named Andrew. Mitch and wife Tanaaz live a short mile from John and Rita in Sedona, Arizona.

John Goldsmith wrote to Dick as follows: “Great news about Andrew - congratulations - we're looking forward to you'all visiting your newest addition so we can get together again. You need to pass on the word, however, that you're falling farther behind and your family needs to work harder to catch up with the "Goldsmith's." As of January, my oldest has two sons (3 & newborn); my middle has two sons (8 & 10); and now my youngest in December will have two (TWIN SONS).  But, in the future, we'll be easier to catch, as all three (one down two to go) promise to fix things so that there will be no more additions to our family.  --  Best to everyone – JLG”

The above correspondence was during this summer. John followed up with the following blurb after the twins were born:

“Dick -- I sent you an e-mail a while back but, in my usual tech challenged way, I'm pretty sure you didn't get it -- although I think Ted got a copy as I send him copies to use as he sees fit.  Go figure: first - I think I know who gets what over the internet & second: who'd think that I would ever trust Ted?

To take care of what you didn't probably get, I trust you know we'd love to have you visit anytime.  Same goes for Ted and the rest of our class if they are in or around Sedona.  I trust you also realize that your son and his family can contact us if we can ever be of assistance to them.

I realize it’s taken me a while to get to this stuff, but I'm now writing you and everyone Ted wants to send this to because I have some stuff of my own to send out.  My third son, Matthew, and his wife Joey (maiden name Deshautelles -- is that Louisiana or what? Monday (Dec 3) had a set of twins, Turner and Taylor.  If you remember my prior stuff - each of my three sons now have two sons and as Patti had her first grandchild (another boy - Chase) our family (the Goldsmith's) in over 100 years have 16 males and only my sister, Patti, on the female side.

Dick -- if I remember my last e-mail to you, it notified you that although your family is growing it takes a lot to keep up with the Goldsmith's, at least on the male side of the ledger.

Seriously, I hope you, your family, Ted and his family, as well as all of our other classmates and their families, have a wonderful Christmas and a joyous and prosperous New Year.

Looking forward to hearing from everyone.  -- JLG”

All of the above originated with our buddy John out in Arizona. I (Ted) was confused about how all the info linked up with the Wheeler clan, so emailed him and got the following from him (Dick):

Ted -- Good to hear from you! My family. Now let me think ... 4 children:  Molly 43, Matt 36, Mitch 33, Ashleigh 18. 5 grand children -- the newest is Andrew (born in August) lives in Sedona, Arizona, about one mile from the Goldsmith's. Oh yes, he lives with his parents, Mitch and Tanaaz.

Cheers! Please send my warmest holiday wishes to the class!  --  Dick
That concludes my (Ted's) miraculous, un-coded summary of the “Life and Times of John and Dick.” I even left in the cruel words John spewed out about me! Ha! I hope I have put this in a format that you can post on the web. Both boys, for all their faults, seem to be wishing Holiday greetings to all of us in the Class of 1961! 

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